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Showing posts with label 5 STAR Z22 flash file CPU spd 8810_6820 free Officel Firmwear 1000% tested by ayat telecom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5 STAR Z22 flash file CPU spd 8810_6820 free Officel Firmwear 1000% tested by ayat telecom. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2017

5 STAR Z22 flash file CPU spd 8810_6820 free Officel Firmwear 1000% tested by ayat telecom

5 STAR Z22 flash file
Detecting COM Port COM10
>>> Connecting Mobile,Wait..
    Mobile Connection Success.
    Project ID: SPRD3
>>> Downloading First Boot...
>>> Downloading Second Boot...
>>> Downloading Bootloader...
    CPU Name: 8810/6820
    Flash ID: 002C00BC
    Flash Name: Micron MT29C4G48MAZAPAKD
    Flash Size: 0x21000000->528.0M
>>> Reading Flash,Wait...
    Read Done.
ayat telecom
  password need 100tk
 call me-01718142885.
        no dead risk.
       (100% Tested )